Business, Accounting and Financial Studies

Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) is a subject of Comprehensive knowledge of key business aspects – business environment, accounting, management, and personal finance – will effectively equip students to manage their personal and business finances during adulthood, including activities like consumption, work, and investment.

Diversify Assessment Mode

In addition to daily tests, diversify assessment mode are arranged to evaluate students’ abilities in reporting, speaking, group-work.

Students are suggested to make group posters, verbal presentation as well as personalize accounting record for daily expenditure.

Investigation of Potential Business Career

Various competitions will be offered to students, giving them an opportunity to simulate roles such as entrepreneur, accounting clerk, financial analyst and public relations officer.

We motivated students to participate in seminars hosted by companies in business industry to learn more about job specifics and necessary expertise.

Innovative Learning Approach

Team-building activities such as keyboard challenge and creating your own company will be planned for management lesson sessions. Utilizing online educational games such as Stock Exchange Guru to demonstrate the significance of managing personal finances.