English Speaking Week – A Week of Excitement and Exhilaration!

We just had an incredible English Speaking Week at our school, and we couldn’t wait to share all the amazing moments with you!

During the week, our students fully enjoyed various activities prepared for them and engaged in a range of meaningful conversations with all teachers in school! Here comes a recap of the highlights of the week:

Personality Test: What kind of person are you? Our students gathered at Communal Space and took a deeper look into their own minds – and got along with minds alike!

Treasure Hunt: Students buckled up for an adventure over the campus, solving riddles through interviewing teachers and scanning through corners and corridors for victory!

Music Balcony and Drama Performance: Applause please! The school acappella team and the English Drama Club brought their proudest performance to the lunchtime performance. The whole audience was impressed by the splendid performances and the devotion of each performer.

Net Channel: All classes tuned in to the channel hosted by our NETs and took an interactive quiz to wrap up the week!

Prize Redemption: Our students rocked the English Speaking Week with their language prowess! They proudly redeemed prizes with their English Speaking passport, a tangible reward for their dedication and hard work!

English Speaking Week was an unforgettable celebration of language. We witnessed the power of communication and the joy of expressing ourselves in English. Together, we created a vibrant and English-rich environment that will continue to inspire and empower us!