Subject Features
To ensure that students become confident, informed and responsible persons in the rapidly-developing era, the Life and Society / C.E.S. subjects offer a variety of opportunities for students to face different challenges in life at personal, social, national and global levels. These opportunities not only help them to participate fully in the development of the society in the future but also instill positive values.
Diversified Learning Modes
In align with the school rules and policies, diversified assignment and assessment submission methods are arranged for students to unleash their potentials. For instance, to develop of sense of belongingness to society, students are not only asked to stay updated through the annual release of the Hong Kong policy addres, but are also given opportunities to express their opinions regarding the elements covered in it. Students are given the choice to use the moot suitable submission method. For example, they can submit written reflection (a script) or a non-written submission method (e.g. a voice-over) to express their ideas for this assignment.
Active Learning
Students are encouraged to do pre-lesson preparations so as to better prepare for the upcoming lesson. Apart from note-taking, pair work and group activities are conducted during lessons to allow collaborative learning. Moreover, consolidation tasks are assigned accordingly to let them better absorb the information received and key concepts learnt after the lesson.
With the advancement of technology, students are given various opportunities to polish their skills as well as make good use of the technology to improve their learning experience and achieve different learning goals. For instance, the subject allows students to use VR/AR to achieve goals in real-time. For AI, students are encouraged to make good use AI generative tools for their assignment (an activity reflection) to ensure a more presentable assignment.
Subject Related Activities
Various chances are given to student to participate in both inside and outside school activities. Some activities are conducted face-to-face, while others are to be done online, such as the NSE related as well as inter-class or inter-level quizzes on the Constitution and the Basic Law.