Curriculum Feature
In senior form, students are grouped based on their abilities, with 2 M2 (MathsExtended Part Module 2 (Algebra & Calculus)) groups available for students optingfordifferent subject combinations.Flexibility is providedthrough allowing studentsto choose a combination of “foundation topics” and “non-foundation topics” withinthe compulsory mathematics modules based on their abilities, interests, andaspirations.In junior form, students are provided with a solid foundation in mathematics tofacilitate their exploration of a profound mathematical world. By integratingmathematical knowledge in different areas, students’ problem-solving skills are honed,allowing them to appreciate the beauty of mathematics and apply advancedmathematical concepts effectively in solving real-life problems.
Apart from examinations, students’ subject knowledge, participation in subject activities, and their attitudes are taken into account. Their subject knowledge is evaluated through homework and test performance. By completing homework and tests, students can consolidate and apply the knowledge acquired in class, allowing both students and parents to effectively monitor their learning progress. Through oral defense and diversified assignments in which they can choose their mode of submission, students can demonstrate their learning outcomes by their areas of strength, fostering a deeper understanding of the learning process.
Participation and attitude in learning mathematics are integral components of the assessment. Students can engage in various school activities or external programs to enhance their interest and proficiency in mathematics. Additionally, students’ performance in lessons is assessed, with their learning attitude being highly valued.
Academic Support
Mathematics Mentorship Programme is arranged where senior form students offer guidance to junior form students, helping them tackle mathematics more effectively. This programme not only opens the doors of mathematics for the mentees, but also enhances the mentors’ empathy and boosts their sense of achievement. in addition to remedial measures, enrichment classes to address the diverse learning needs of students. To promote high-achievers and gifted education, we provide enrichment programs for students showing mathematical potential, including Mathematics Elite Class taught by alumni, courses from gifted education institutes, and university programs, to nurture talented students.. Selected students with a keen interest in mathematics are trained to participate in various math competitions, encouraging them to satisfy their mathematical curiosity and unleash their full potential.
Featured Subject Activities
Mathematics department provides a rich learning experience emphasizing learning from experiences, enabling students to engage with Mathematics through various activities. By exploring and practically constructing knowledge, it enriches their learning journey, nurturing students’ abilities in critical thinking, inquiry, communication, reasoning, and creativity.
Mathematics Trail
In the Mathematics Trail activity, students cooperate to design their route with their group to develop unity. They navigate through various checkpoints to tackle diverse mathematical challenges, utilizing gameplay as a tool for learning. By engaging in this hands-on experience, students apply mathematical concepts in practical scenarios, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a dynamic and interactive setting.
Monthly Challenge
Students design challenging problems for school-wide participation, delving into research topics and crafting thought-provoking questions. Through this creative process, they affirm their grasp of the subject matter, enhancing their interest in learning while boosting confidence and self-esteem. Facilitating peer learning, students engage in discussions to share problem-solving methods and perspectives, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Rummikub competition enhances logical thinking through continuous consideration of permutations and combinations, with this well-known board game being a leisurely and intellectually stimulating pastime at MathsCube, where students enjoy their mathematics discussion and logic board games.