With the consideration that learning of students will be affected when they cannot return to schools for a prolonged period, schools are allowed to arrange a small number of students to return to campuses to attend face-to-face classes in accordance with school-based arrangements starting from 11th January.
Under prevailing arrangements, only S.6 students will continue to return to YLLSS for on campus learning. Since the situation of COVID-19 is still severe, S.1-S.5 examination will be conducted in the form of “Timed-Take Home Assessment” starting from 20th January. Teachers and students, as a result, can take the time to relax themselves during the New Year holiday after the exam.
Although the effectiveness of online teaching may be lower than live teaching, it is asserted by our principal, Mr. WAN, that students are in good learning progress. To fight the epidemic, it is important that we stay alert and foster a sense of crisis.